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Showing posts from July, 2018

BuJo - July Monthly Setup

 I am kind of new to Bullet Journalling. I've been doing it since May. For me it's a combination of giving myself a place to be regularly creative, putting all the things I need to remember to do in one place, having space to journal if I want to but not feeling the pressure to do it when I don't feel like it, and generally having a planner that's flexible and has the amount of space I need. I also find that creative layouts are more likely to motivate me. Some people think the time taken to draw up spreads is counter to the time-saving method of bullet journalling, but honestly, creativity inspires me to get stuff done. For July I wanted a theme that was summery and ocean-based without being green and blue, which is a colour scheme I tend to default to.  So I went for this coral reef theme with pinks, peaches and light blue. Last month I used a list layout for the monthly spread, and I really didn't find it that helpful. So this month it's back to